Sunday, April 19, 2009

Howdy yall

Yesterday I was invited to New Egypt Speedway by the family and team of the racer that I recently designed a vehicle wrap for. I did a wrap for his sprint car which turned out pretty sweet, and it can be seen HERE. They were very pleased with the end result, too bad on that opening night, the quarter panel ended up being completely smashed in the race. Oh well..., like they say, rubbing is racing. Speaking of one-liners, while I was at the track, it gave me the perfect opportunity to try out some Talladega Nights one-liners on the folk at the track. They didn't respond too well to my redneck vernacular, must've been because I was a city slicker. All in all, it was a pretty good experience.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


color comp

my comp hasn't changed since the last layout i posted, it's a black and white scheme, like with the images of my work as the only color. I have added the set of images I'd like to display for my portfolio on a flickr set available here. I should have the html files ready for use today.